Source Localization Based on Acoustic Single Direction Measurements
Published in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2018
Recommended citation: J. O. Reis, P. T. M. Batista, P. Oliveira, and C. Silvestre, “Source Localization Based on Acoustic Single Direction Measurements,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 54, no. 6. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 2837–2852, Dec. 2018.
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This paper presents a novel filtering technique to estimate the position of a moving target based on discrete-time direction and velocity measurements. The velocity is assumed to be corrupted by an unknown constant bias, which is explicitly estimated in the process. A nonlinear system is first designed, describing the dynamics and observations associated to the target, followed then by a state augmentation that yields an equivalent linear time-varying system. An observability analysis for the latter is conducted based on necessary and sufficient conditions that are related to the target’s motion. The final estimation solution resorts to a Kalman Filter with globally exponentially stable error dynamics. Its performance is assessed via realistic numerical simulations, including Monte Carlo runs and a comparison with both the standard Extended Kalman Filter and the Bayesian Cramer-Rao bound. A set of experimental results achieved within the scope of a realistic underwater mission scenario is also presented that allows to further assess the proposed technique.